Updated 2021-2022 Safety Protocols

The goal of Hutchinson Public Schools for the 2021-2022 school year is to keep students in school for the entire year. This goal also includes keeping staff and students safe while providing as much normalcy as possible so we can continue to deliver the best educational opportunities for our students.

As approved at the February 14, 2022 Board of Education meeting, the following updates have been made to USD 308's COVID-19 policy. 

o   Masks will be optional in all USD 308 buildings and activities unless otherwise changed by the superintendent based on individual building needs. 

o   Reported positive staff and students are excluded for five days. Day 0 = day symptoms begin. Days 1-5 = days excluded. Day 6 = day return to school, if symptoms have improved and no ever fro 24 hours, without medication. Reported positive staff must use sick leave for paid time off. Nursing staff may seek confirmation for all reported positive tests. A note to return may be required. 

o   Contact tracing will be done to identify exposed staff and students in school and activities of all confirmed cases. All identified exposures will be notified and may stay in school. 

o   Any staff or student who is sick should remain at home. If sick or become sick at school, the sick staff or student will be excluded per district exclusion policy. A note to return may be required.

o   It is recommended that staff and families practice home symptom screenings prior to coming to work or school.

o   COVID-19 vaccination is not required by the district, but it is encouraged to all who are eligible to receive the vaccine.

To view the full protocol information sheet, click here.