As we celebrate American Education Week, we wanted to thank our staff for their dedication to providing an inviting, safe, innovative, and loving environment for our students to learn. Together, we achieve excellence! Sincerely, USD 308 Board of Education & Administration
6 months ago, USD 308 Communications
thank you for all you do! As we celebrate American Education Week, we wanted to thank our staff for their dedication to providing an inviting, safe, innovative, and loving environment for our students to learn. Together, we achieve excellence!   Sincerely, USD 308 Board of Education & Administration
We are kicking off American Education Week! Celebrated each year the week before Thanksgiving, American Education Week: “An educational week ... observed in all communities annually for the purpose of informing the public of the accomplishments and needs of the public schools and to secure the cooperation and support of the public in meeting those needs.” This year’s theme is “Together for Safe, Just & Equitable Schools.” We will be celebrating our staff, parents, and community all week. If you’d like to get in on the fun, you can leave a kudos here: #aew2023 #letsgetloud #onceasalthawkalwaysasalthawk
6 months ago, USD 308 Communications
this person supports public education . so do these people.
Don't forget! There is no school for Morgan student's tomorrow, Friday, November 10th!
6 months ago, Morgan Elementary
No School Tomorrow
Morgan PTO meets tomorrow night, November 6th, in the Morgan Library at 6:00pm! We would love for you to join us! Tomorrow is also the Morgan PTO Papa Johns night. Order pizza from Papa Johns to support the PTO! When you get your order delivered, or when you pick up, let them know your students teacher's name, and Morgan PTO will get a proceed of that purchase! The class that has the most orders will when a pizza party!
6 months ago, Morgan Elementary
Reminder! There is no school for Morgan student's next Friday, November 10th!
6 months ago, Morgan Elementary
no school
Reminder! There is no school tomorrow, Friday, October 27th. Have a great weekend!
6 months ago, Morgan Elementary
No School Tomorrow
Reminder! There is no school for Morgan student's next Friday, October 27th!
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
No School Next Friday
Picture Day is one week from today! Mark your calendar for October 26th! Picture packets have already been sent home with students. If you are still needing one, please contact our office at 620-615-5200. Or order online before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Ordering online is easy, visit
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
Picture Day is Coming
Reminder! Morgan PTO is planning a fun family bingo night and we would love all the help we can get! Please join us tomorrow evening at 6:30pm in the Morgan Library to do some planning. All are welcome!
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
bingo planning
Don't forget, there is no school tomorrow, October 5th or Friday October 6th due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Also, if you plan to sign up for the Shot Clinic, bring your insurance card to conferences with you so we can make a copy to attach to your shot clinic form.
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
no school
The Morgan PTO meets this evening, Monday, October 2nd at 6:00pm in the Morgan Library. All parents and staff are welcome to join us!
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
There is no school next Thursday, October 5th and Friday, October 6th due to Parent Teacher Conferences. If you have not scheduled your conference yet, please get in touch with your student's teacher to do so. If you have any questions, please call the office at 620-615-5200.
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
Don't forget! Tomorrow is an early Release! Morgan Students will be released at 2:10pm!
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
early release
The Morgan PTO meets next Monday, October 2nd at 6:00pm in the Morgan Library. All parents and staff are welcome to join us!
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
Don't forget Friday is an Early Release Day!
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
early release
Monday starts our Salthawk Homecoming Spirit Week! Dress up this week to support and celebrate our Salthawks! Monday: Work Out Day Tuesday: Silly Sock Day Wednesday: Hat Day Thursday: Favorite Team Day Friday: Salthawk Day
7 months ago, Morgan Elementary
spirit week
New Calm Room at Hutchinson High School Named After Former Educator HUTCHINSON, KS- Rusty’s room is a new safe space for students to re-center both physically and emotionally outside of their Hutch High classroom. Named after Rusty Hilst, a Hutchinson High school teacher and golf coach, the room sits in the classroom where he taught Math for 53 of his 54 years of teaching. Located in C-hall, Rusty’s room hosts soft chairs, soft lighting, a therapy dog named Coco, fidget items, a bubble tube light zone, calming sounds, and other self-regulation opportunities. The calm room aims to lower tension. There is a ClearTouch screen to watch guided meditation and breathing videos. One chair in the room is a privacy chair with high sides and a cushioned seat. Part of the self-regulation challenge is educating the educators on how and when to use the room. “Students who are dysregulated have different needs than those that are in need of a nurse or needing behavior modification. Sometimes a student just needs a break because they have become overwhelmed with life and they can’t focus on their school work for a bit. We are able to impact students within minutes by offering a calm environment to reset and return to class.” said Jan Young, one of the school social workers overseeing Rusty’s Room. Students may request to visit Rusty’s room, but teacher or administrator approval is required. Maximum capacity is 3 students at any time in order to give each student ample space and privacy. All time in the room is supervised by a social worker or educational aide with the intent of a student returning to the learning environment as quickly as possible. Rusty’s room also hosts a small group of students for a recurring coping skills meeting and a group focusing on life skills for special education students. “We know it works because we have seen these techniques put to use in the education environment in the past. We have simply created a space to use them. We all know that slow, regulated breathing is scientifically proven to lower your heart rate. You’ve probably used breathing practices in your life.” Tanya Martin-Nisly stated. Martin-Nisly is also a social worker at HHS. “If a student can drop in for a few minutes to reset then they may be less likely to skip class, or be confrontational with other students or staff. We just want the students to be able to focus on learning and you can’t learn if you’re dysregulated.” As usage of the room catches on, HHS staff hope to track how many minutes students spend in the room during the 2023-2024 school year and are looking for a correlation in attendance, absenteeism, or instances of behavior requiring disciplinary action. “I’ll be honest, as a Hutch High grad, I can’t tell you enough how much a room like this would’ve helped! We are so lucky to be able to offer this room to our students,” Kurtis Ferguson, educational aide.
8 months ago, USD 308 Communications
Rustys room
Rustys room
Rustys room
Rustys room
Rustys room
Rustys room
Rustys room
Welcome back, Salthawks! The first Salthawk Talk of the new year has arrived!
9 months ago, USD 308 Communications
salthawk talk with dr. johnson
Our Nutrition team had one crazy summer! They served over 66,000 lunches at three sites in the months of June and July. They are back in schools serving yummy breakfasts and hot lunches today! Let's hear it for the Nutrition Team! 👏 Read the story here:
9 months ago, USD 308 Communications
group of nutrition staff stand while holding numbers 66,000
Your Salthawk Summer Newsletter has arrived! If you have questions about the 2023-2024 school year, including how to enroll, you'll find the answers here:
10 months ago, USD 308 Communications